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will post more later but I can’t stop listening to this first. send help

Edited by iforgotnmyname at 2018-04-04 10:02:592018-04-04 10:02

Rainbowdragoneyes - Dreaded 8-Bit Skies (Lagerstein)

what I like most about this is you can just tell the dude is having so much fun making cheesy chiptune metal songs and it really shows, you can’t help but sing along a bit

Ya-da-dadada-dah-da-da we’re all so fucking high…
Ya-da-dadada-dah-da-da we’re pirates of the skies!

MASTER BOOT RECORD “Direct Memory Access” [Full Album - 2018]

MyNewSoundtrack used to do cheap transfers using toolkits instead of doing their own tracking but they’ve come a hell of a long way in the past couple years and they’re now one of my favorite cover artists. They’re becoming pretty well known for covering all manner of shit in MMX soundfont, and has produced (in my opinion) the best Megalovania cover available.

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